

Excessive worrying and fear can be very rending. Many times it’s hard to realize that we are in suffer, because it’s a situation that comes along with us for so many time that it seems to be a part of our life.

People who suffer from anxiety have persistent worrying every day. They also experience physical symptoms, like jitters, breathlessness, irregular heartbeat, muscular pains (tensions), sweats, insomnia or other sleep disturbances. If not treated, this state of anxiety can lead to other health problems, including depression.

People with anxiety worry about things that matter to them. Depending on their personality, they can worry with rejection, with mistakes, with not succeeding, getting ill or being abandoned. Frequently, there are also avoiding behaviors, a need to escape from anxiety arousing situations. It’s also very common, in people who suffer from anxiety, the need to offset this anxiety with excessive controlling behavior, worrying too much about others approval and aiming to perfection.

Fear is a natural emotion and can be a reaction to stress factors, like a demanding job, a serious problem in an important relationship, a medical diagnosis or facing an important decision. However, if we are living with too much worrying, tension and touchiness, if we find it difficult to sleep and concentrate, or if we experience a panic sensation (irregular heart beat, sweating, dizziness, trembling, nausea, or intense fear), maybe it’s time to seek help!